Most of the Adafruit Feather use microcontrollers from Atmel, Esspresif and Nordic and it’s hard to find them with other brand microcontrollers, There are some feathers with the newest NXP Crossover MCUs, and that is why I have decided to add some MID-Range and Low power consumption ones.
The MKL26 Feather is a board that packs the NXP/Freescale MKL26 which has an ARM Cortex M0+ core at 48Mhz with 256kb of Flash and 32Kb of RAM. The board includes a microSD socket and RGB LED.

The MK26F Feather is a board that packs the NXP/Freescale MK26F which has an ARM Cortex M4F core at 180Mhz with 2Mb of Flash and 256Kb of RAM, it also has an RGB LED and socket for microSD but with an SDHC interface instead of SPI.

Having the Adafruit Feather format it’s very useful in case that you are working with other microcontrollers with different characteristics and this way it is easy to switch for project capabilities expansion.

I will use these boards with other projects to show you what kind of applications we can do with them. If you are interested you can purchase them at my Tindie Store.